Thursday, June 21, 2012

Luka Rocco Magnotta to make second Montreal court appearance

MONTREAL – Luka Rocco Magnotta will appear at the Montreal courthouse via videoconference at 2 p.m. Thursday in connection with several charges, including the first-degree murder of student Lin Jun.
His lawyer, Pierre Panaccio, is expected to request his client undergo a psychiatric evaluation to determine whether he can be deemed criminally responsible for the crimes with which he is charged.
For the request to be accepted by Quebec Court judge Renée-Lori Weitzman, Panaccio will have to show reasonable cause that Magnotta requires an evaluation.
If the request were to be accepted, Magnotta would be transferred to the Philippe Pinel Institute for up to 30 days.
Magnotta, 29, is facing five charges in connection with the murder and dismemberment of 33-year-old Lin overnight May 24-25.
He is suspected of mailing Lin’s hands and feet to federal political parties in Ottawa and two schools in Vancouver, and of videotaping the crime and posting it to the Internet.
He was apprehended in Berlin on June 4, and flown back to Montreal Monday.

Luka Rocco Magnotta’s online identities make his autobiographical information hard to decipher

The world knows Luka Rocco Magnotta all too well.
His exploits, whether real or imagined, whether alleged by police or conjured up in his own mind, have been detailed by media outlets around the globe.
It appears the 29-year-old man accused of killing, dismembering and partially cannibalizing Montreal university student Jun Lin wanted it that way.
Mr. Magnotta appeared to live much of his life online, using the Internet to cultivate a dark and twisted, yet sexual, image.

It’s an image that’s likely here to stay now that he has been whisked back to Canada on charges including first-degree murder, defiling a corpse, and harassing Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
He has been transferred to an east-end Montreal jail where he has been placed into solitary confinement and is under a 24-hour suicide watch while awaiting his next court appearance on Thursday.
Mr. Magnotta is under “super protection,” which means he has no contact with any of the other prisoners. Beyond that, he’ll receive no special treatment while in the jail.
“We do our work and we’re not afraid of him,” said Stephane Lemaire, head of the provincial jail guards’ union.
Police precautions used since Mr. Magnotta returned to Montreal have been excessive, Mr. Lemaire said. “It’s ridiculous the amount of money that was wasted to give the media a show … To see that much security, it feels like we’re dealing with Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs.”

John Mahoney/THE GAZETTE
Police reported that onlookers crowded onto highway overpasses for a glimpse of the motorcade carrying Magnotta as it sped to Montreal.
In reality, they’re dealing with Eric Clinton Newman, who was born on July 24, 1982 in east-end Toronto. Mr. Magnotta shed his original identity with a name change in 2006; the transition does not appear to have been smooth.
Mr. Magnotta has also gone by the aliases Vladimir Romanov and Jimmy, set up dozens of online usernames and maintained 70 Facebook pages and 20 websites, police have said.
Luka is unable to live unless there is chaos in his life, it makes him feel as though he matters
A MySpace page created by a Luka Magnotta and dedicated to grandparents Phyllis and Walter Yourkin and their extended family, the Yourkin-Williams clan, says he was raised by them, writing, “Luka Magnotta, he is like a very, very special son to Phyllis and Walter.”
There has been no activity on the page for the past several years, but several old family photos were uploaded, as well as two apparently self-stylized pictures of Mr. Magnotta.
In one marked “Eric Newman copyright 2005,” he is wearing a 1940s aviator costume with images of war planes superimposed. It says “Luka Magnotta aka Eric Newman” in red script.
Many other Internet postings that appear to come from Mr. Magnotta himself describe a childhood with his grandmother, though they don’t always paint as rosy a picture.
On what may have been his personal MySpace page, it says he grew up with “absentee parents” and no boundaries, though he “desperately wanted and needed” them.
His grandmother could not be reached for comment, and all other family members contacted, including his mother, Anna Yourkin, did not return calls.
A 1,200-word post by a Vladimir Romanov on a Psych Central “I hate my mother” forum from about nine or 10 months ago rants against the poster’s mom. Mr. Romanov says he is now 29 and mostly lived with his grandmother, but says his mother ruined his life.
Mr. Romanov says his “extremely manipulative” mother homeschooled him and forced him to wear diapers until the age of seven. He alleges abuse at the hands of a male relative.
He says he became a prostitute and was raped, but used the money to take his mother on “lavish vacations.”

AP Photo/Montreal Police
Magnotta is guided into a waiting van after arriving from a Canadian military plane on Monday in Mirabel, Quebec.
On a MySpace page belonging to an Anna Yourkin there are photos of a blond woman and Mr. Magnotta apparently on vacation in a tropical location.
Mr. Romanov’s post praises his 24-year-old sister and her three children.
Media reports say Mr. Magnotta has a sister named Melissa, and a Melissa is connected on MySpace to the family page set up by a Luka Magnotta. On the page, a Melissa writes, “I love my older brother Luka, he is the kindest person I know and he’s always there when I need him!”
He appears to have wanted to get people talking about the movie and wanting to see it, before he was able to post produce it for ‘official release’
An unnamed relative told the Ottawa Citizen the family hadn’t heard from Mr. Magnotta in a while, after he had hurt them when he was younger.
Much of his family lives in Peterborough, where Magnotta grew up. He also went to school for a few years in nearby Lindsay, but few former classmates remember him.
The ones who do remember him say he was targeted by bullies and often beaten up.
An aunt told the Peterborough Examiner that Mr. Magnotta always had a propensity for concocting stories and had “delusions of grandeur.”
He moved back to Toronto in about 2001 and reportedly got into escort work and worked as a stripper at a gay bar.
In 2003 he began his sporadic porn career, appearing in three films that year as both Luka and Jimmy, and five more films between then and 2010. Most of the titles indicate it was gay porn.
In 2004 Mr. Magnotta was charged in Toronto with several offences for nearly $17,000 in credit card fraud. He pleaded guilty in June 2005 and was handed a nine-month conditional sentence and a year of probation.
However, he declared bankruptcy in 2007. He owed $17,000 and had just $6,500 in assets. His job was listed as a server, and his monthly income was just $800.
The income on the Luka Magnotta MySpace was listed as $250,000 or higher.
He also lists his heroes as Jesus Christ, James Dean, Madonna and Abraham Lincoln.
It’s hard to know what, if anything, is true in Mr. Magnotta’s autobiographical information, and what came from Mr. Magnotta himself.
People in the online communities featuring posts about Mr. Magnotta certainly feel all of the information came straight from him. Much of it seems designed to talk up and hype a disturbed character.
There are posts on various blogs, forums and other websites that portray depraved or sadistic encounters with relatives.
One blog with only one entry, from August 2008, contains biographical information about Mr. Magnotta, but also says “he is in fact now living in the (Caribbean) with his new wife Karla Homolka,” that he is a “master manipulator” and in love with his sister.
“How delusional and sick can one man be?” the anonymous post asks.
“By 2007 though Luka’s relationship with his sister was imploding due to its own moral chaos,” the post concludes.
“Luka is unable to live unless there is chaos in his life, it makes him feel as though he matters. That is the explanation a psychiatrist has told me when I described this situation.”
Some wonder if Mr. Magnotta himself is the only source of rumours that he was dating Karla Homolka. He went to a Toronto newspaper in 2007 to deny the rumour and deny that he was behind the rumour.
There is also a post from the same Yourkin-Williams family MySpace page that was created on the personal Magnotta page, reading: “Luka Magnotta walks around his condo dressed to the nines in new clothes and then changes every hour. He has a mental disorder and is very very unpredictable. He abuses a lot of medication and calls his pills ‘vitamins.’ ”
It appears someone was posting about the “1 lunatic 1 ice pick” video, purporting to show Jun Lin’s dismemberment, several days before Mr. Lin went missing.
The operators of Best Gore, the website that hosted the ice pick video, believe the posts came from Mr. Magnotta. Some believe the posts were online before the murder.
“He appears to have wanted to get people talking about the movie and wanting to see it, before he was able to post produce it for ‘official release’ on the deep Web,” says a post on Best Gore dated June 9.
What will likely be a highly publicized journey through the justice system only just started with a first court appearance via video Tuesday when he pleaded not guilty. A quote on the Luka Magnotta MySpace page seems prophetic.
“Only god can judge me and im waiting for my judgement day,” it said. “Life is too short, live every day like it’s your last!”
The Canadian Press, with files from National Post

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Luka Magnotta a ‘ticking time bomb’: Peterborough relative

A photo of Luka Magnotta's Grade 10 high school yearbook photo from I.E. Weldon Secondary School in Lindsay. PETERBOROUGH - Luka Magnotta is a “ticking time bomb” who needs to be brought into custody, says a close family member of the primary suspect in a gruesome Montreal murder.
“I hope that he is caught because he is a ticking time bomb,” the woman said during an exclusive interview with QMI Agency. “Because he’s unstable, if he gets cornered, I just don’t think it will be a good outcome, so the faster he is caught the better.”
The woman, who has known Magnotta since he was a child, spoke on a condition of anonymity. She described a highly dysfunctional family where Magnotta was raised by his grandparents with little if any structure.
“This family from the head down is very dysfunctional,” she said, as she sipped a coffee in a Peterborough Tim Hortons.
“He’s a nut job. I did not trust him. Eric is the type of individual, I think he’s mentally ill. He has delusions of grandeur. He concocts stories that he tends to believe and they in turn become fact in his mind.”
“The essence of this whole story is parenting or the lack of.”
To the national, now international, audience that is following the case, Magnotta is a murder suspect, a porn-star, a kitten slaughterer and even a rumoured love interest of child killer Karla Holmoka.
But to his family in the Peterborough area, the man at the centre of a bizarre case in which parts from a dismembered body were mailed to national political party offices is just Eric Newman. The woman said Magnotta was an “odd,” effeminate teen growing up in Scarborough and then Lindsay where he attended I. E. Weldon Secondary School for Grade 10 and 11.
“He’s a nut job. I did not trust him,” the woman said. “Eric is the type of individual, I think he’s mentally ill. He has delusions of grandeur. He concocts stories that he tends to believe and they in turn become fact in his mind.”
Magnotta was born in Scarborough to parents Don Newman and Anna Yourkin and has a younger brother and sister and two younger half-siblings.
His mother and sister live in Peterborough. Both declined to comment Thursday.
“Please get off the property, you’re trespassing,” Anna Yourkin told The Examiner on Thursday morning through the door of her Westcott St. home.
That home was the site of a $60,000 fire in June 2010. Police said the fire was intentional and charged a 14-year-old boy with arson endangering life.
Magnotta’s 21-year-old cousin, Louis Yourkin, is currently calling the Central East Correctional Centre home. He is before the Peterborough court on charges of gun and drug trafficking.
He was charged after police seized handguns following a vehicle stop. Court has heard he purchased the handguns to settle a drug debt.
Both Magnotta and Louis Yourkin were raised by their biological grandmother — Phyllis Yourkin — who lives in Peterborough’s north-end, the family member said.
“(Phyllis) tries to be the typical matriarch of the family. She is very domineering, controlling and if you have a submissive personality she will beat you up and do what she wants,” she said.
Lindsay Post sister paper The Peterborough Examiner went to I. E. Weldon Secondary School and found Magnotta’s photo in the 1999 and 2000 yearbooks, where he is identified as Eric Newman. In his Grade 10 picture he sports a lumberjack shirt and Mohawk-style haircut. The following year he has the bleached blond dye characteristic of his current online persona.
The school’s vice-principal would not discuss Magnotta’s history at the school.
“We can’t comment,” Richard Christie said.
Since news broke of Magnotta’s suspected role in the gruesome murder and disembodiment of an unknown man in Montreal that police said was videotaped and posted online, the family has been shocked by the graphic details, the woman said.
“It made me nauseous,” she said.
But the woman said she doesn’t believe for a second that Magnotta had any romantic connection to school girl killer Karla Holmoka, a story that circulated five years ago. Magnotta has a habit of making up rumours about himself, she said.
“He will create a conflict, then he will take himself out and he will deny the content of the story, which he in fact started,” she explained.
While some media reports suggested Magnotta might have fled the country, the woman said
Peterborough and Lindsay residents should keep their eyes out for Magnotta as he feels comfortable in both communities.
“People need to be aware that he does have a connection to Peterborough, he does have a connection to Lindsay,” she said. “Eric thinks he’s smarter than he is.”
-The Peterborough Examiner

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